Edinburgh-based Celsius Plumbing and Heating is urging renters and landlords to make sure their property’s water supply is lead-free.
This follows the introduction of the new Repairing Standard in Scotland which states landlords must replace any plumbing containing lead, including pipes, tanks and fittings.
Following the introduction of the Scottish Repairing Standard, Edinburgh-based Celsius Plumbing and Heating has carried out dozens of lead tests for Scottish landlords.
Here, Director Michael Cairns explains what landlords need to know about the new standard, what their lead testing service involves, and why the firm has signed up to our lead-free solder pledge.
WaterSafe has released a new series of essential advice videos designed to help consumers prevent common plumbing problems such as insulating water pipes, getting your boiler winter-ready, locating your stop tap, and managing frozen or burst pipes.
As temperatures in parts of the UK are set to rise after yellow weather warnings for snow and ice are lifted, homeowners should be vigilant for water leaks.
WaterSafe is bringing festive cheer and valuable plumbing tips to households across the region with its “12 Days of Christmas” campaign.