Celsius Plumbing and Heating Director, Michael Cairns, explains what landlords need to know about the Scottish Repairing Standard.
Under the Repairing Standard introduced in March 2024, Scottish landlords must ensure their property’s water supply doesn’t pose a risk to tenants’ health - including eliminating any sources of lead contaminating their water supply.
To demonstrate your property complies with the standard, your water needs to be tested for the presence of lead by a water testing laboratory.
We have a four-step process, which can be completed in as little as a fortnight.
We complete a visual inspection. If lead is found, we’ll advise you of your next steps in writing and no test will be completed until the lead pipes or tank(s) are removed. If no visible lead is found, our plumber will leave a water testing bottle at your property for your tenants to fill the next morning.
Our plumber will remove the test bottle from the fridge, label it and complete the necessary paperwork before delivering it to the laboratory for lead testing
Once the results are back, we will provide you with a certificate to tell you your results – if no lead is found, this can be used to demonstrate your property’s compliance with the standard
If the sample or visual inspection shows the presence of lead, we will advise you on the best next steps.
The Drinking Water Quality Regulator (DWQR) reports less than 0.4% of all domestic properties sampled in 2023 had more than 10-micrograms of lead – the legal quality standard for lead in drinking water.
Edinburgh Council Scientific Services, who carry out lead testing for our customers, say only about 5% of tests for rented homes exceeded the 10-microgram threshold since the repairing standard was introduced. It considers a sample result under 1.1 micrograms per litre to be evidence that no lead is present.
10 micrograms per litre is a tiny amount – equivalent to a grain of sugar in a cup of tea – but drinking water regulators and public health experts agree there is no safe level of lead in drinking water. Even a small amount of lead can accumulate in the body over time and cause health problems, particularly in young children and pregnant women.
For this reason, the new repairing standard states landlords must eliminate all lead in their drinking water.
In most properties we tested, lead was found in the communal supply pipe connecting the property’s internal plumbing to the external stop tap. The property owner is responsible for this pipe, and the plumbing inside the building.
Because the City of Edinburgh Council offered grants to landlords to modernise properties in the 80s and 90s, many would have replaced any internal lead pipe with copper or plastic pipe. However, we see lead pipes and water tanks in some properties and, more rarely, lead solder.
Although it’s illegal to use lead solder in drinking water, some plumbers carry it for gas work and may accidentally use it on potable water. At Celsius Plumbing, we only carry and use lead-free solder and have signed WaterSafe’s lead-free solder pledge to demonstrate our commitment.
Scottish Water is responsible for the pipe which connects the property’s external stop tap to the water main and replaces any lead pipes with a safe material.
This may be suitable if you have replaced all lead in your property and lead is only found in the communal service pipe connecting the property to the water company network. Lead filters need regular maintenance to keep them working as they should so it’s important that all lead is physically removed and the filter acts as a second line of defence.
Plumber Sebastian signing our lead-free solder pledge
We support WaterSafe’s campaign because our plumbers never carry or use lead solder.
It’s so easy to use lead-free for plumbing and heating repairs.
Our message to any installers currently using lead solder on heating systems is: “Don’t take the risk”.
It’s so easy to get the two mixed up, with potentially disastrous consequences.
We know some landlords weren’t aware of the legislation when it first came in, but you must get your water tested to comply with the law and protect your tenants.
At Celsius Plumbing, we pride ourselves on customer service and will do all we can to make this process as quick and easy as possible for you and your tenants.
You can book a test online or read more about the new lead standard at celsiusplumbers.com/landlord-safety-checks/lead-testing/.
If you’re not local, you can find another approved plumber at watersafe.org.uk or SNIPEF.org, or contact your local water company for advice.
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