Following the introduction of the Scottish Repairing Standard, Edinburgh-based Celsius Plumbing and Heating has carried out dozens of lead tests for Scottish landlords. Here, Director Michael Cairns explains what landlords need to know about the new standard, what their lead testing service involves, and why the firm has signed up to our lead-free solder pledge.
As we get set to reveal our 12 days of Christmas tips, WaterSafe’s Communications Consultant Stephanie Ellis reveals the inspiration behind the campaign.
WaterSafe and CIPHE member Duncan Gordon, of Brimstone Gas & Oil, has signed up to WaterSafe’s pledge to only carry and use lead-free solder as part of our lead-free campaign. In our latest plumber profile he shares why the campaign has prompted him to ditch lead solder from his bag.
David White, of Alpha Plumbing, was one of the first to sign WaterSafe’s pledge to only carry and use lead-free solder following the launch of our lead-free campaign. In our latest plumber profile he shares why ‘going green’ is important and his experience in the industry.
The Hidden Water Waste: Take the Leaky Loo Challenge with Waterwise When it comes to saving water, fixing a leaking toilet might not be the first thing that comes to mind - but it should be. A staggering 1 in 20 toilets in the UK leaks, wasting up to 400 litres of water a day. That’s enough to
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